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Introduction of the QR code system for customer payments as the first step in the digitalization of Ceylon Fisheries Corporation took place on 13th June 2023 at the Gampaha Fisheries Corporation Outlet premises under the chairmanship of the State Minister of Fisheries, Mr. Piyal Nishantha de Silva.

Along with the new program of updating government institutions to suit the modern digital world, the Lanka Fishery Corporation has introduced this new payment method together with SLT Mobitel and Lanka QR.

State Minister of Fisheries Mr. Piyal Nishantha Silva said that this is the beginning of a long journey while participating in the inauguration of this program.

“His Excellency the President intends to update the government institutions to suit the modern world. Many outdated methods are still operating in the government institutions of our country. Customers are inconvenienced and fraud and corruption have also increased. This is a small step that we have taken as the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation. But this is the first step and the beginning of the journey towards digitalization.”

Payments can be made through QR codes at more than 100 Ceylon Fishery Corporation outlets across the island from June 13th. In the future, many sectors including the financial systems of the corporation will be digitalized. The purpose of this is to implement a financial process free of fraud and corruption in the organization while providing quality service to customers.

Chairman of the Fishery Corporation Mr. DV Upul, General Manager of the Fishery Corporation, Mr. Ruvinda Gunaratne, Deputy General Manager-Sltmobitel, Mr. Ranmal Fonseka and other government officials joined this event.

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