After the retirement of former secretary to the Ministry of Fisheries Miss. Nayana Kumari Somarathne, Mr. Nishantha Mohan Wickremasinghe assumed duties as the new Secretary on 19-06-2024 at the Ministry of Fisheries.
He has previously served as the Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Technology, and in addition, he has served as the Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries, the Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture in Hambanthota, the Assistant Divisional Secretary of Dehiovita and Passara, Badulla “Samurdhi Commissioner”, Uva-Paranagama Divisional Secretary, Senior Assistant Secretary of Uva Provincial Ministry of Education, Commissioner of Local Government at Uva Provincial Council, Director General of Coconut Development Authority, Director General of Gem and Jewellery Authority, Director General of Lands Reforms Commission and the Commissioner General of Land Title Settlement Department. He is a Graduate of Sri Jayawardanapura University with a specialization in Business Studies and obtained his Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration.
In this event Venerable Monks including Venerable Galagama Dhammaransi Thero performed Bhuddist Religious Observances and Babu Sharma Kurukkal and a Moulavi performed Hindu and Islam Religious Observances.
Minister of Fisheries Douglas Devananda presented the letter of appointment to the newly appointed Secretary and subsequently, he commenced his duties at the Ministry.
Newly appointed secretary’s wife Mrs. Wickremasinghe and Children, additional Secretaries Ms. Apsara Nissanka, Ms. Anusha Gokula and Mr. Dhammika Ranathunga and the Director General of the Department of Fisheries Mr. Susantha Kahawaththa and a group of higher officials attended this event.