miniThe important request among the requests made to the President at the conference of the National Fishery Federation organized by the National Fishery Federation held on 2024-08-09 was the fuel subsidy for Fishermen.

Fulfilling the request a decision was taken to reduce the price of diesel and kerosene price by 25 rupees (a liter) to strengthen and encourage the livelihood of Fishermen, at the cabinet meeting held on 2024-08-21.

This price reduction was made according to the cabinet paper submitted to the cabinet by the Minister of Fisheries, Douglas Devananda. The Minister also said that he hopes to fulfill the fishermen's requests in due course.

The Minister further stated that as a result of the fertilizer subsidy the harvest of Agricultural crops increased. In the same way, the harvest of fish also will be increased as a result of the fuel price reduction, hence the livelihood of the Fishing community will be developed.

The Secretary of the Cabinet instructed the relevant authorities to implement the decision with immediate effect to grant this relief to the Fishing Community.
