476102442 1139240338209245 4221308707338404877 nDeputy Minister of Fisheries, Aquatic, and Ocean Resources, Rathna Gamage, conducted an inspection visit to the Devinuwara Puranawella Fishing Harbour to assess ongoing challenges and identify necessary improvements. The visit was attended by MP Ajantha Gammaddage, Matara District Coordination Officer of the Southern Provincial Governor's Office, Bandara, and other officials.

During the inspection, the Deputy Minister closely examined key issues affecting the harbor. It was identified that two fuel pumps at the harbor’s refueling station were inoperative. The Minister held discussions with the relevant contractor and instructed that immediate action be taken to resolve the issue. Additionally, the need to remove a black rock obstruction at the pier entrance, which has been hindering vessel movement, was also highlighted.

Further discussions focused on the need for improving harbor lighting, implementing a sustainable waste management solution, and addressing sanitation facility shortages for the fisheries community. The feasibility of constructing an additional jetty near the harbor was also brought to attention to support the increasing demand from the local fishing industry.

Addressing those present, Deputy Minister Rathna Gamage emphasized the government's commitment to strengthening the fisheries sector. He stated:

"Since assuming office, we have initiated plans to systematically assess and develop every fishing harbor, anchorage, and inland fishery site across the country. This morning, we began our inspections at Mirissa and have now reached Devinuwara. We have engaged in discussions with harbor management, fisheries stakeholders, and the local fishing community to understand the challenges they face. Our goal is to enhance the overall efficiency of Sri Lanka’s fishing harbors over the next five years. Devinuwara is part of this national development plan, and we will take the necessary steps to gradually improve its infrastructure and operational capacity."

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